Tip of the month: July 2022. WHAT IS IT ABOUT THIS PHOTO?

Of all my photos from the 2022 Tanzania tour, this is the one that seems to be getting the most love from followers on Facebook and YouTube. It’s definitely at the top of my list too, it was the very first photo I posted on return from the tour.
So what is it about this photo that makes it so appealing. The lion is only a small part of the picture…the trees are not remarkable…there’s no one thing about the image that would normally grab our attention.
What makes the photo work is the way the pieces fit together. It’s all about composition.
Take a look at the overlaid red lines in the version below. If you can recognise that curved and diagonal lines will lead the eye of the viewer, you will begin to see how many lines in this photo lead us straight to the lion. There are even some lines in the lower tree that lead away from the lion, but they lead to the biggest leading-line in the photo, which brings us back to the lion.

You can’t make moments like this happen. But a good photographer will notice when all the pieces fall into place for a great photo opportunity, and find a way to create a better composition.
It starts with realising that EVERY PART of the photo matters. Not just the main subject but everything in the surroundings as well. And then understanding that each element in the scene is made up of lines and shapes that you can use to your advantage. In this case, having seen the potential of the trees to make a more interesting photo, I only had to zoom my lens to the right point to give the best possible balance to the composition.
Photography is not all about technology and settings. Much more important is the ability to ‘see’ like a photographer.
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